
Who will you listen to?

My husband and I visited three bike shops this week.  I am looking for a new bike.  A year ago I began to bike and fell in love with it.  Currently I have a mountain bike that is great for short rides and is very durable.  A good friend of mine recently lent me her old road bike to try out.  Road bikes are lighter, usually have more gears and have very thin tires. From the moment that I began to ride this bike I knew that soon my husband and I would be visiting bike shops.  Let me explain.  There is a hill close to our house that I often ride on. When I rode my mountain bike, I would huff and puff as I tried to go up it to get to the Kent trails.  Let's just say that I was winded! 

The first time up that hill on the road bike, no huff, no puff just smooth riding! Enough said!

We started our bike comparison shopping at a well known shop in Grand Rapids. 

Store #1 had bikes hanging from the ceiling, on the floor and people were buzzing in this place.  A man wearing an army fatigue hat, shorts and trail shoes approached us and asked if we needed help.  After two seconds of talking he whisked us to his favorite brand of bike, The Diamondback.  "I sold my car, I love this brand!  This will be a great bike for what you are doing.", he proclaimed. He also told us that his favorite pedal was a toe clip because he had seen too many people fall using clip ins.

Store #2 was also a reputable place and had been suggested to us by friends.  We were greeted by a very clean and organized store and shown to the women's bikes.  A young man came and told us lots of information about the bikes and then asked how much biking I did.  He also pointed us to his favorite the Trek bike.  After comparing it's features to other bikes, including the Diamondback,  He suggested that I ride it.  When discussing shoes and pedals he was sure to describe the benefits of clip ins.

I was getting confused!  Who should I listen too?

Store #3 had bikes, fitness equipment and a fitting station. We were greeted by a biking enthusiast and promptly told that he would prefer NOT to sell us a bike until I was evaluated for a perfect fit.  He explained why and it seemed to make sense.   This store sells, Giant and Specialized bikes. He also recommended the clip ins but not until after we knew which were right for me. 

Three stores, three opinions who do I listen too??
If you have any ideas please forward them my way!  It occurred to me as we went through this process that we do this when we are trying to make decisions.

Scripture tells us that we should seek wisdom and that wisdom comes from God.

James says if any man lacks wisdom he should ask God.

Why do we look elsewhere?
I know that it seems faster to ask others or to google it than to wait for the answer from God.  It is often my way of rushing and keeping in control of things.  I want what I want.  Sad but true. 

This situation reminds me of Galatians 5:25 keep in step with the Spirit.

I am giving this question to God.  He will direct my steps.

Where do you need His wisdom and direction today?


Thank you for your patience with me.  Daily I am reminded that I have much to learn. Guide this decision and give us the knowledge to make the right one.  I praise you for your wisdom and graciousness.


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Thank you for visiting, Praying that you are blessed today. Jann