
God has plans!

Our plans are not God’s plans!
When we had been discussing our time on Mfangano Island we knew several things.

• We were going to minister at a youth conference of around 300 high school students.
• The students were mostly from the island but some were from other areas.
• Most would be Christians.
• The team would be teaching four sessions.
• There would be small group times that we could participate in.

It is important to me be prepared and then have flexibility in my preparation. I had designed four lessons that would be student friendly, interactive and I thought inspiring. There were places within the messages for object lessons, testimonies and activities.

I think I even patted myself on my back and said, “Well done”. I was prepared!

Prepared until we were told on Sunday afternoon that they wanted us to teach 6 lessons and that the focus of the conference was on purity. Can you hear my heart beating really fast? Can you see the anxiousness that I began to feel? All of the lessons would need to be revamped to include the details of purity and take into consideration that they should somehow build on each other! Yikes!

After dinner the team came together and prayed again. “Please Lord direct and lead us as we plan for tomorrow." As we began to discuss and write these hour long messages the generator went out! Now we were writing with the aid of lanterns. Let’s just say that it was pushing me and the team to trust God with every word, every activity, and every moment!

I am so grateful that the team didn’t throw me into the water that night. I was very directive (bossy) in the planning stages. My need to control came rushing out! The team was amazing! In spite of my bossiness, each of them stepped up and volunteered to teach, share testimonies and lead activities for 300 high school students even though they have never done this before!

The next morning as we entered the auditorium we could feel the excitement! Kenyan’s know how to worship! We loved every moment of it.

The messages and teaching time were fun and creative. We were pleasantly surprised that they were understanding us. The British English that they speak is slightly different in pronunciation than our English. At one point they translated our English into English.

I stood to speak about the Holy Spirit filling every part of us and was directed by the Spirit to talk about Christ wanting to make His home in us. As I looked out at these young people who are struggling.

Struggling because they have no parents, have experienced great losses and possible abuses. Struggling because they are trying to be pure and live a life of purity.

As I looked into their eyes I began to cry. You know what that is like when you are trying to bring an important message and all you can do is cry? I was crying because I wanted them to know that these words in John 15:7 were for them.

If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish,and it will be given you.

He wants them who have no home to make their home in Him. That he would never leave them. As I proclaimed these words I felt the love of Christ for them. The expressions on their faces told me that the Spirit had communicated a great love for them and that they were receiving it. Many stood to say that they wanted this. Praise God!

Even though I didn’t plan to say this, God knew the language and the message that they needed to hear. His ways were so much better than mine!

How do you respond when God's plans are different than yours?

Do you stop what you are doing and adjust to His plans or do you continue on in your own way?

Father, thank you that we can trust in your plans your ways and your wisdom. Holy Spirit thank you for giving us your guidance and power. Remind each day that your plans your better! Jann

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Thank you for visiting, Praying that you are blessed today. Jann