
Be Still-Guest Blog

Be Still. Calm. 

Ugh!!!! I can’t handle it! Too quiet, too still, too calm.... I must do SOMETHING!!

Welcome to the mind of Brenda Renderos. You would probably never guess this is my mind at our first meeting. I’m initially the silent type. But alas, my mind struggles in being still and calm.

The last few months have been a season in revisiting the spiritual disciplines. Of course tithing, prayer, Bible study and fasting. But also solitude, silence, reflection, confession...

Interesting how these last few months have been very full ones. Some strife but mostly an abundance of blessing and growth within the ministry I serve with. My calendar has been full almost every day and the ministry is flourishing in an amazing way. It’s exciting! The sort of thing that gets my blood pumping and I can find myself going non-stop if I’m not careful. So many in need and reaching out. So many wanting to grow and serve. So many with questions. So many.
Once again God’s timing is perfect.

We can so easily fall into the trap that we can and must do it all. And that if we don’t then that somehow lessons our value. I’m a leader in ministry, wife of 17 years, mom of 3 kids (one is a teenager!), sister, friend, mentor and I could go on! But at the end of the day those don’t define who I am. They are roles. They are things that I do. Areas of gifting and calling.

So who am I? Who are you? Outside all of your roles and titles, who are you?

I’m sure many of you are speaking either verbally or mentally right now who you are in Christ. But how deep into the core of your being have you received that?

Life has many demands of us. In those demands we can quickly and very subtly forget where our true identity comes from. During this time of flourishing and down right crazy schedule I know without a doubt that I am one who could have fallen prey to this.

What was the safety net?
  • Times of going away for silent retreat. 
  • Times of prayerfully reflecting on the Word of God. Study times, yes. But also times of reflection. 
  • Times of solitude. Unplugging. Phone shut off. 
  • Times of confessing those areas of struggle with those close and trustworthy. 

It has been during these times that my strength has be renewed and my purpose clarified. 
My identity secured and priorities put in order. 
My worries handed over and the sorrows turned to joy.

 It has been during these times of leaning on my Abba Father that He has pressed into me as well and been my anchor and compass. The anchor to keep me from drifting and the compass to keep me on His way.

As difficult and impossible as it may seem during this busy season to be still, consider the alternative of losing your way in the hustle and bustle of life. 

Where would you rather be? Tossed with the waves here and there? Or anchored in His heart and secure in His way?

Psalm 46:10b “Be still, and know that I am God.”


To read more of Brenda's thoughts about walking with Jesus, visit her delightful blog Jalapenos and Chocolate.

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