
I am like a squirrel!

Peering through the gate was this adorable creature! Normally squirrels are afraid of people and go scurrying away. This little one came closer when I began to talk to it. 

How did a squirrel that should be afraid of people seem so comfortable approaching me? 

Some background for you.  

  • This squirrel has become a regular on the patio of a restaurant that also has an outside seating area in Downtown Grand Rapids.
  • Often patrons of this restaurant eat peanuts.
  • This squirrel has become accustomed to having it's food provided by the people who visit the restaurant.
Because of it's good fortune with people and their kindness towards this squirrel he has decided that they are safe, approachable, and will provide food.

Through the years I have become more an more like this squirrel. In my relationship with God I have become a regular at being where others gather to worship and have become accustomed to being fed right from His hand.

What have I learned about God through my experience with Him?
  • He is faithful in keeping His promises
God will do this, for he is faithful to do what he says, and he has invited you into partnership with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. I Corinthians 1:9 (NLT)

  • He is gentle and kind John 10:11
  • He forgives and then does not remember my sin any longer. Psalm 103:12
  • He is trustworthy! Psalm 22:4-5
Father, thank you for you simple reminders that you are always near, always faithful, always trustworthy.


  1. Hi Jann,
    Very nice! Throw me in the pot...I am a squirrel too! God has more food than we know what to do with. Nothing in this world that can replace the hunger that only Jesus can fill!

    God Bless,
    Joe Young

  2. Hi Jann - I love this squirrel analogy. So true that as we spend more time with God we settle in and want to spend more time with Him. Great post and pictures. Thank you too for linking up with me for winsome Wednesday. I appreciate it and look forward to seeing you there again next week
    God bless

  3. I'm so impressed you a) like squirrels (I had big problems with some in my walls this summer) and b) could pull all of this from your encounter with one! I'm visiting from the weekend wander.


Thank you for visiting, Praying that you are blessed today. Jann