
Flower Pins

What can be done with old clothes? Women's pants, skirts, blouses, sashes and scarves, bridesmaid, prom dresses, Men's shirts and suits, and even curtains? 
Flower pins of course!

These pins were all made from old, ready to be given away clothing. 
How did we do it? One word Pinterest! This online gathering of everything crafty has tutorials for step to step directions.

I am so amazed at how many new things I can create using recycled clothing. 
Taking something old and making it into beautiful new article of clothing reminds me that God has done, and is doing this to me.

“Behold, I am making all things new" Revelation 21:5

Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come. 2 Corinthians 5:17

No matter what the past has held for you. No matter what you have experienced or done. Today you can be made new!

This is truly the Good News of Jesus! 
He can take the worst of us, clean us up, and make us new!

Even if you have tried before
feel worn out
are embarrassed
feel unworthy
are ashamed
feel discouraged, depleted, despairing

He is able to make all things new!

Father, often I forget that you have this redeeming desire for us. You want us to be made new in the likeness of your Son. 
Thank you for this opportunity of newness! 


  1. Hi Jann! New follower here from the blog hop. Thanks so much for joining us :)

  2. These are lovely! I do the same thing, make things out of old clothes. Such fun! I loved the insight that you shared along with it. You have inspired me.

  3. So thankful that He makes all things new, Jann.

    Now...where are all my old clothes?


  4. Blog hopping. I am a follower! Please follow back!

  5. Hi Jann,

    These are beautiful! :) You did an awesome job. I love the scripture you included with this post -- it's good to put those words into reality.

    I'm stopping by and following you GFC from the Not So Moody Blog hop. I hope you can stop by Gumdrop Pass if you get the chance.

    Have a great Monday :)

  6. Those are very cute! I have also been browsing through Pinterest and have found so many things I would love to try.

    Also I am stopping by from the Monday Blog hop. Hope you have a great week!

  7. Hey! I'm found you through the blog hop at mommydigger and I'm following you!
    That's really creative! I never would have thought you could do that out of old clothes!

  8. I love these! I'm not creative or crafty but certainly appreciate (and envy) those who are.

    I'm a new GFC follower from It's Hump Day! Blog Hop!


Thank you for visiting, Praying that you are blessed today. Jann