
Memories of Jesus

I saw something this week that brought back a flood of memories! A picture that was created for Crossroad Youth ministry took me back, way back to 1976!

From 1976-1980 while I was in High school, this greeted me each time I entered into the building. It holds a deep, deep place in my heart! I have incredible memories! Memories of hundreds of high school students declaring their love for Jesus and encouraging others to do so also!  I remember the first night that I came into this room and by the end of the evening I was a part of God's family! I remember silly dramas, deep conversations, convicting messages and learning what it means to fall, deeply, madly, whole heartily, un-embarrassingly in love with Jesus! I remember the evenings of competitions, team chants and cheers. I remember all of it! 

This picture is how I envision Jesus. I know that it may completely false, but it is a part of me. Actually I attribute more feeling to this picture than what is portrayed. 

The Jesus I know is kind and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love and grace.  He is the one who has saved me from my sins and from myself.  He has changed me and remade me! He is everything to me!

This picture represents the beginning of a life spent with the savior! Thank you Lord that on that warm summer day in 1976 you asked me to come and be a part of your family! Thank you! Jann


  1. I think you reflect what so many of us feel Jann. I appreciate the focus and the honor on Him. For me it was a time of folding in. God had always softened my heart toward him but it wasn't until He expressed Himself to me through such a warm, accepting community of people that I saw what He meant for me to be and experience. My eyes were opened to something very cool and wonderful and made it ever so easy to give my life to Him. I saw students who were unashamedly "on fire" for Christ in a totally fun and yet very committed way. That picture is etched in my mind and heart too. It represents a place and time where Christ said "Come and follow Me."

    1. Thanks Gordon for reminding of how my eyes were opened to His truth and Love! Blessings friend!


Thank you for visiting, Praying that you are blessed today. Jann