
Corn Starch or Baking Powder?

In a fury to whip together something delicious and sweet, I reached up into the cabinent to grab the baking powder. Did you know that baking powder  and corn starch come in similar plastic containers now?


The sweet treat was made and placed into the oven. It was in that moment of closing the oven door that the thought occurred to me that there were not two boxes of baking powder. 
Ever get that gnawing feeling that something is wrong? Deep within I knew it.
Flashbacks to the bread not rising, and now what about the dessert cooking in the oven? There in the cabinet, right in front of me was the answer. Turning the container around my nagging feeling was correct, corn starch. 

Ingredients do matter! Without baking powder, my bread and my brownies did not rise. They taste great, just don't have the usual pizazz.

Our lives are not the same when crucial ingredients are missing.

Many are trying to live a life absent of one essential ingredient, Jesus, He does matter!

Living without Him is like trying to live without oxygen or sunshine or rain. He makes a difference in the way that we view life, people and circumstances, He is the ingredient in our life that causes us to be able to rise up and stand strong because He gives us strength. He is the ingredient that binds everything together. Without Him the recipe does not work!

The Son shows the glory of God. He is a perfect copy of God’s nature, and he holds everything together by his powerful command. Hebrews 1:3

Where are you trying to do life without Him?


1 comment:

  1. Such a true illustration, and what a great application. Thanks so much for sharing.:)


Thank you for visiting, Praying that you are blessed today. Jann