
Happy Birthday

 April 22nd, 1986 Lissa Diane Cobb joined our family. From the beginning we knew she was going to bring something different to our family!

At an early age she had a way of negotiating to get what she wanted.
 "How about if you......and then I will. ....."
She could be heard saying this to her sister, cabbage patch dolls, our dog or even to her parents.  The fine art negotiation has and still remains a strong gifting for her. 

You may have noticed that she has 2 S's in her name. There are numerous "S" words that describe Lissa.

Servant of Jesus
Speaker of the truth

Life with Lissa has and is, always an adventure!

She has a discerning spirit that often is right in sync with what God is teaching me.  As a mom, I adore that! Her dad loves that she is a huge Angels baseball fan and that she understands and love ministry and missions.

Lissa we love you and our so thrilled to be your parents!

May you know this day that:
God chose you before the foundation of the world.
He uniquely gifted you.
He wove you together in my womb.
He knows you by name.
His plans for you are more than you could ever imagine!
He will never leave you.
You are love and adored!

Happy Birthday, princess Lissa!

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Thank you for visiting, Praying that you are blessed today. Jann