
Paleo Coconut Quinoa Recipe

My recipe for coconut quinoa was featured on Fast Paleo. They have amazing recipes that I use all the time!

This summer, I visited the country of Colombia, there I partook of coconut rice. Wow, was it delicious. I immediately thought of how I could make this somewhat Paleo. I know some do not like quinoa for Paleo, but it is a seed. :-)


1 cup quinoa
1 can coconut milk
1 tsp salt
2 tsp honey (to taste)
1 tbsp unsweetened coconut


First rinse the quinoa and drain. In the pan add coconut milk, honey and salt bring to a boil. Next add the quinoa, stir, reduce heat and cook until milk is absorbed. (about 20 minutes) Remove from heat and let rest for a few moments. Sprinkle the coconut on top and enjoy this succulent sweet treat!

I paired the coconut quinoa with blackened salmon and asparagus. The sweetness of the quinoa balanced the spiciness of the salmon.

Who knew that quinoa was so controversial? I was intrigued by some of the responses to the recipe. If you were not privy to the hullabaloo, there are 2 opinions about using quinoa for Paleolians. Some in the Paleo world say that it should not be included in a regular Paleo lifestyle and others fully endorse it, provided that it is organic and rinsed. Personally, I think that it is one of those grey areas I believe. If your body is able to digest it and it is used in moderation, then enjoy.

For more in depth reading about quinoa, I loved how Andrew dug into this issue at The Spunky Coconut

What I learned
Arguing over things seems to be human nature  We like to take sides! I do it all the time. My husband asks me often why I must make things a competition. I think I just like being right! 

Similarly with the quinoa issue, the bible contains grey areas. It is also very clear on what God expects of us. There are however, many things in life that we must make decisions about. I love that the bible contains references to these choices. Think about the whole food argument that Paul talked about in Romans.

Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother’s way. As one who is in the Lord Jesus, I am fully convinced that no food is unclean in itself. But if anyone regards something as unclean, then for him it is unclean.  Romans 14:13-14

The question is not about what we can do or not do, but how can we live a life pleasing to God? When we focus on this then everything else is simple.Photobucket

1 comment:

  1. What a great verse and post! Ill def try this recipe!


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