
Pinterest Broom

This picture of a cleaning broom was found on Pinterest. Amazing discovery don't you agree? Why didn't I think of this earlier?  I wonder if it will work on ceiling fans? I hate it when I start to clean them and down falls all of that built up lint and dirt.  Usually it falls right on top of me! 

Hopefully, cleaning ceiling fans and those hard to reach cobwebs out of the corners will be easier with this cleaning tool.  The secret to getting something clean is using the right cleaning supplies. 

It reminds me of how there is is only one way to remove the stain of sin in our lives. It all has to do with using the right cleaning supply.
Isaiah 1:18 Come now, let us reason together, says the LORD: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool.

There have been many experiences and choices in my life that have left me feeling stained. Some were of my own doing and others were done to me! When I reflect on these stains, I still struggle to believe that God will remove it completely. Sometimes these stains have kept me captive to relive the shame of my mistakes.

This verse in Isaiah is such a blessing to me. Praise Jesus that He not only sees the sin, but He forgives the sin and then cleanses it and removes it forever! 

Whoever the son has set free is free indeed! John 8:36

Time to Let Jesus Get out His broom!


1 comment:

Thank you for visiting, Praying that you are blessed today. Jann