
No substitute will do

One of our Christmas traditions it to make caramel apples. Lovingly creating the caramel, gently coating the apples with caramel, chocolates, and various toppings. Each apple is then placed into a festive bag and delivered to a friend.  Although I love making them they take time and apples this year are more expensive than usual. As I was scanning the delicious pictures on Pinterest, I saw what appeared to be an answer to my apple making season. It seemed so simple!

I washed and sliced the apples then began to love them up with the toppings. They look so pretty! I covered the apples and refrigerated them.  The next morning I took out the Christmas themed tray to take to work with me and I was sadly disappointed. The apples had turned rather soggy, not a good option for caramel apples!  I learned a lesson, faster-is not always better!

To read about making my caramel apples enjoy this post  

I went back to making whole apples and I am much more pleased with the results!

Cutting corners, trying substitutions and looking for other things or people to fulfill can have disastrous results for us as Christians as well. 

There are no substitutions for a relationship with Jesus! 
There is No person that will meet our needs.
There is No career that will satisfy our longing to belong.
There is No food that will fill us with joy.
There is No game that will provide us with peace.
There is No drug that will take away our pain.
There is No amount of money that will give us eternal life.

There is only One Savior, Jesus Christ.  We need no other!

John 14:6: Jesus said to him, "I AM the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.


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