
I am Free

Many of us understand what bondage feels like. We feel like chains may be wrapped around multiple times constricting us with each action we make. I, personally, want to break free from the chains, and to live a life filled with God’s grace.

Our battlegrounds may be different but the thing we have in common is the weighty feeling of being held hostage within our own chains.
Do you think about how you will ever get away from these chains? from your past, from the things that have held you back?

My story
In previous posts I shared about my own struggle to be healed from sexual abuse. Read the story here. Throughout this journey,  I felt as if my past were suffocating me.   It kept me from moving forward.

Even after I had faced my past, looked at the areas that needed to be healed, gave it to God and forgiven the man who had hurt me, every once in a while, the chain would wrap itself around my thoughts once again. My need to be in control at all times is a direct result of this chain! If I am in control then no one can hurt me, take advantage of me ever again. This is a biggy in my life and it was effecting my relationship with my husband, my children and with God. "Would this ever be gone?", I often thought.
The thing about getting past your past is realizing that it will keep resurfacing until you are able to finally put it to death!

Your past may be 
deep hurts, 
regrets of sin,

We all have something that just keeps holding on. It is a chain that drags us down. The chains of the past! It makes me think of Scrooge. Ghosts of Christmas past! They all played a role in keeping him stuck. A prisoner.

Praise God that there is freedom!

Before we can talk about moving forward it is important to look at what has chained us down.  

Take a moment and answer this question.

I feel chained down by ___________________________________________

To move forward it is important to do two things. Identify the chain and examine what God's word says.

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5:1

His desire for us is that we would live in freedom. Today you can be free of whatever has enslaved you. You do not have to live in your past any longer!

    1. I am Free!

I will walk about in Freedom,                                      Psalm 119:45
Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Freedom.         II Corinthians 3:17
You have Freed me from my chains.                                 Psalm 116:16

God promises us freedom and more in Isaiah 61:1  Take some time and look at His many promises!
You are free even if you don’t feel it! You are free! 
Father, thank you for declaring us free! Show us what your freedom looks and feels like. We are grateful children.

Part 2 will be coming soon


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Thank you for visiting, Praying that you are blessed today. Jann