
An Unexpected Event

Beautiful summer night, warm, light breeze and the bike trail was calling us to ride. After trekking for 7 miles we passed a little girl on a bike that was too big for her and then her father who was pulling a sibling in a bike trailer. It was time for a break as witnessed by the drops of sweat that had begun to drip down my back so we decided to turn to the left of the trail. "Let's go over here so we aren't in the way of that family", suggested my friend Catherine.

Then it happened! I barely had time to take my foot out of the pedal and place it onto the ground. Bam! She ran her bike down a dirt path and right into my back wheel.  I tried to stay upright, by firmly planting my feet on the ground to not make matters worse. Then off she went, unaware of any injury to me or to the bike.  The bike had minor scrapes, the tire needed to be readjusted and my back hurt a little.  

Ever have something that just hit you out of the blue? These can be physical or emotional. Out of nowhere we can be hit with illness, or accidents. One day we can wake up and not want to get out of bed. The emotional ones can almost be worse. The ups and downs of the waves of feelings that follow can seem to tear us apart. 

These unexpected events will come at some time in our lives, the question is how will be get through it? 
How do we stay firmly planted?
How do we stay upright? 

Knowing the one who can set our feet on solid ground is the only way I know!

I cried out, "I am slipping!" but your unfailing love, O LORD, supported me Psalm 94:18
If I ascend to heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in Sheol, behold, You are there. If I take the wings of the dawn, If I dwell in the remotest part of the sea, Even there Your hand will lead me, And Your right hand will lay hold of me.…Psalm 139-8-10



  1. I have been "hit" more often than I care to think about and so many times I did not want to get back up. I completely agree with you that God is our ultimate way to stand again. He lifted me up every time!

  2. Hi Jann! I am coming over today from Faith Filled Friday.

    Yikes, that sounds painful. I hope you are feeling better?

    You are sure right about things just bumping into me without warning. So many times, I get so surprised! And I have the greatest help of all in Christ. Thanks be to him for being the rock. Aren't we blessed??

    So nice to meet you today!


Thank you for visiting, Praying that you are blessed today. Jann