
Dec 14 Our Refuge

These last few years have been difficult for me. My mother has changed from a strong, independent, knowledgeable woman into a sometimes confused shadow of herself.  She has dementia. At first I shrugged it off, "She's just getting forgetful" I told myself. Now I know that she has dementia and never will be the same. It can be hard to have a conversation with her that requires detailed information and recall. My mother in all the ways that I used to know her is now gone. 

Sometimes it is too much to bear. I need a refuge! I need a place to just hide away from the feelings of sadness that I feel. I am grateful that Jesus has become my refuge! He provides a safe place that I can go to share my feelings and be reminded that He loves me and my mom. 

"O taste and see that the LORD is good; How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him, Psalm 34:8

Jesus is the the person in whom we can take refuge!

Rock of Ages, cleft for me, 
Let me hide myself in Thee; 
Let the water and the blood, 
From Thy riven side which flowed, 
Be of sin the double cure, 
Cleanse me from its guilt and power.

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way,
though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling.  Psalm 46:1-3

Jesus wants us to come to Him and trust Him to be our refuge and strength. He wants to take away our fear and replace it with His hope. Life is messy and there will always be trouble but Jesus will still be our refuge.

There is no 
problem that is too big for Him
person who is too far from Him
suffering that is unrecognized by Him


Jesus our refuge we cling to you and ask for your protection. Help us to stand in the knowledge that you offer rest and security. We offer to you our fears and frustrations and ask that you turn them into a beautiful thing. 


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Thank you for visiting, Praying that you are blessed today. Jann