
Free at Last

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5:1

There has been much said about what Christians should and shouldn't do. I am grateful for God who has given us the gift of choice. When we were forgiven of our sins we were set free from the power that they hold on us.

Think about that. Sin has no, absolutely NO power on us because of Christ's sacrifice. Why then do we place ourselves willingly back into it's grasp. It is as if we say, "I miss you, come and play!" We know that sin has consequences, it separates us from experiencing God's best in our lives and yet we mingle with it any way. We are truly confused. Now lest you think that I am not preaching to myself, I am well acquainted with this dance .

There have been many years that I thought I was not good enough

Not good enough to be included in certain groups
Not good enough to be considered popular
Not good enough to be blessed by God
Not good enough in what I wore, how I looked, how thin I was
Not good enough as a mother
Not good enough as a wife
Not good enough at my job

Get the picture? I struggled with this for so long. It was painful and it caused me to do some really stupid things. Thanks be to God that he saved me from this and began to teach me that He could set me free from all of this if I would give it to Him. Easy enough I thought, so I lifted my hands and said take it from me, I don't want it anymore. It felt great to be rid of that weight, that burden that had been dragging me down.

Notice in the Galatians verse it says, "Stand firm then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by the yoke of slavery" As easily as Christ had taken that burden from, I began to put it back on. Every time I allowed myself to compare myself to others instead of following What God had for me, I placed a weight on myself.

I began to cry out to God, Why am I so overwhelmed, I thought you set me free? He whispered, you are free, unlock the chains and step out of the weights that you have placed onto yourself. Be Free! Live in the Freedom that I have given to you. Only Follow Me and Abide in my love.
Have you been here? Are you struggling with things over and over again? Stop weighing yourself down with all of this and step aside from it all. You were called to be free.

thank you for loving me and setting me free. Thank you for giving me time to figure it out and to finally let go of the weights and the burdens that were causing so much pain and stress. Praise Jesus that you have given us everything we need for a life of blessing and of freedom. Help me to walk away from anything that would entangle me into a life of captivity.

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Thank you for visiting, Praying that you are blessed today. Jann