
Moment by Moment

I had the great pleasure recently of being part of the IF:Gathering both in Austin Texas in February and then here locally at our home church Corinth Reformed for our IF:Corinth gathering. One of the speakers was Laura Sobiech whose son fought a courageous battle with cancer and then eventually he passed away. This mother spoke of how her family made each day count knowing that death was looming around the corner. You can read more about it at fly a little higher.
I could not help but correlate the anguish, heartache and uncertainty that I felt with my mom’s dementia.
Questions kept racing through my mind,
How will I tell her it’s time for her to get more care?
Where’s the best place for her?
How will her dear friend Dale feel when we move her?
Will she fight me when I tell her it’s time?
How will I possibly resist those childlike eyes that look at me and say,” I don’t want to go, I’m scared?”
While I was listening to this mom share her story of heartbreak she said something that has stuck with me.
“We did it moment by moment. We didn’t look ahead to what was going to come, although we were prepared for that, we took every moment, embraced it and lived in it.
This is only possible by the grace of God!
This week will be one of those moments I have the blessing of sharing with my mom. Every day has a new moment. Every day has a new phone call from my mom asking, when she can come home, telling me how scared she is.
I’m asking God for the grace to get through those moments and the next ones.
I’m holding tightly to the His promise that, my grace is sufficient for you.
Jesus promises that He will be with me. I’m banking on it, trusting and it believing it, embracing it, living it today!
What do you need his grace for today? How will you hold on to his promise of being with you today? Who needs to hear this promise that you could share this with?
Living in the moment filled with His grace and his promises.


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Thank you for visiting, Praying that you are blessed today. Jann