
The Lessons that i am Learning Lesson #3

The Lord makes
It’s the place that makes sense to me, there I can put things in order.
Do you have a place like that? The spot where you feel safe and things make sense.  Where everything has a place?
Yesterday sitting with my mom at the rehab hospital, we talked about the place that she feels safest -her apartment. She went in and out of confusion about where she currently is staying.  The rehab hospital is not familiar to her. The room is not familiar, the people are not familiar ,the hallways are not familiar, it’s not home. 
Watching her try to make sense out of something that makes no sense to her is excruciating. Tears began falling from her eyes. “I can’t wrap my mind around it, it doesn’t make sense to me. I want to go downstairs and see my friend Dale”, She cried. In her confusion she couldn’t understand where she was and why she was there. After explaining to her that downstairs was different here than in her apartment she looked at me with utter confusion pleading, “I want to go home, it’s the place that makes sense to me!”  I so wish that would be the best place for her, but right now where she is, is the best place. It breaks my heart a little each time.
Lesson #3 
The things that make sense in my life are thrones that create order and peace
God’s Word
His Spirit
The body of Christ
When these things are part of my life it has a rhythm and everything is in order. Only then do things make sense to me. In these moments it is when God intervenes into my life and I have peace.
Without these, nothing makes sense to me.
Thanks mom for another lesson that I learned from you.


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Thank you for visiting, Praying that you are blessed today. Jann