Imitation Sushi?

Friday night I was so excited becasue we were going to eat at a Chinese restaraunt.  We had a coupon so we thought we might try this new place.  First we couldn't find it. Bad sign #1! Then when we found it there was only one car in the parking lot. Bad sign #2! As we entered through the doors and passed the gigantic golden Buddha we laughed at how funny this night had been so far.  (Little did we know there was going to be more laughter) The decor of the place was old chinese.  What I mean is that everything including the owners was ancient! We sat at a little red booth that had tattered and worn faux leather. For a reason that I don't know how it happened, we decided upon the buffet.  I was persuaded by the sushi.  I love sushi and I could have a whole bunch for only $7.99!   I should have been warned by the pineapple on top of the sushi, that this was no regular sushi! Bad sign #3!

One bite is all it took.  As I looked closer I realized that this did not have any kind of fish that I had ever seen inside of Sushi before.  It was bologna and american cheese.  (I couldn't make this up if I tried!)   This was definately not the real thing!

Needless to say we won't be visiting this place again. We left and went and had some delicious pie. With real fruit inside. Nothing imitation here!

Scripture warns us about imitations.

and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people.         Matthew 24:11

Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. I John 4:1

Father help me to pay close attention to the signs and warnings that you give me. Open my eyes to the truth of your word and help me to discern real from imitation.
I love you. 

Have you ever wanted something but new you shouldn’t have it?

Consider a simple chocolate cake mix. On its own it is harmless.

What if you have made a decision to stay away from sweets?                       

You go to the store and there is the chocolate cake mix sitting on the shelf. You see it and ignore it until you realize that it is on sale! When you look into your purse you see that you have a coupon. You begin to think about the friends that are coming over and so you decide to buy it. It’s such a great price after all! When you go home you put it away in the pantry and are satisfied that you haven’t eaten any sweets! Later you begin wondering if you should make it and let you husband try out the recipe. After convincing yourself that this is a good idea you make the cake and serve it to your husband. He tells you that it was delicious and that you have outdone yourself! You are delighted that this worked out so well! Later that night you begin to glance towards the cake as it beckons to you from the cake platter. “It would taste wonderful with your coffee” you think and finally all of these steps result in you eating a large quantity of this cake.

Sin doesn’t just happen! It usually is a result of steps that we take then eventually lead to us sinning.
Eve didn’t wake up and say, Gee I want to be separated from God let’s eat this fruit! It all started with a step towards sin.

Think about these steps and see if you agree with the progression of events.

Step 1: Being confronted with tempting thoughts.

Step 2: Step 2: Entertaining and discussing the thoughts..

Step 3: Doubting the consequences of God’s Word

Step 4: Thinking that one will gain more and be fulfilled…

Step 5: Looking and desiring—lusting

Step 6: Committing the Sin: Taking and eating the forbidden fruit.

Be encouraged! We have not been left to wallow in our sin! God does not condemn us to repeat these over and over again! There can be victory. These verses really encourage me to keep pressing on!

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it. Genesis 4:7

We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5

Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. Ephesians 6:11

If we confess our sins He is faithful and Just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. I John 1:9

Father, Thank you for the cross!  Thank you for your deep love and forgiveness.  I trust you to lead me away from the sins that so easily entangle me.  I acknowledge that I am frail and a sinner and that on my own strength I can not walk away from sin. I ask you to free me from repeating these steps and ask you to protect me from stepping in the wrong direction. Help me to flee from the areas that I am the most weak in!  Amen

What do I know of Holy?

I Love the song."What Do I Know of Holy by Addison Road".

It moves me beyond words.

I made You promises a thousand times,I tried to hear from Heaven
But I talked the whole time, I think I made You too small
I never feared You at all No
If You touched my face would I know You?
 Looked into my eyes could I behold You?

What do I know of You Who spoke me into motion?
Where have I even stood But the shore along Your ocean?
Are You fire? Are You fury? Are You sacred? Are You beautiful?
What do I know?
What do I know of Holy?

I guess I thought that I had figured You out. I knew all the stories and I learned to talk about
How You were might to save, Those were only empty words on a page
Then I caught a glimpse of who You might be.
The slightest hint of You brought me down to my knees .

What do I know of You Who spoke me into motion?
Where have I even stood But the shore along Your ocean?
Are You fire? Are You fury? Are You sacred? Are You beautiful?
What do I know? What do I know of Holy?

What do I know of Holy? What do I know of wounds that will heal my shame?
And a God who gave life it's name?
What do I know of Holy?

Of the One who the angels praise? All creation knows Your name
On earth and heaven above.
 What do I know of this love?

What do I know of Holy?

This song moves me because it speaks to my heart. It says the things that I want to say.

When I think of all of God's characteristics I am humbled.

God is;

  • Eternal

  • Immortal and infinite (Deuteronomy 33:27; Psalm 90:2; 1 Timothy 1:17)
  • Unchanging (Malachi 3:6; Numbers 23:19; Psalm 102:26, 27)
  • Incomparable (2 Samuel 7:22; Psalm 86:8; Isaiah 40:25; Matthew 5:48)
  • Inscrutable, unfathomable, unsearchable (Isaiah 40:28; Psalm 145:3)
  • Just (Deuteronomy 32:4; Psalm 18:30)
  • Omnipotent (Revelation 19:6; Jeremiah 32:17, 27)
  • Omnipresent (Psalm 139:7-13)
  • Omniscient. (Psalm 139:1-5)
  • One
  • Alone worthy of our worship and devotion (Deuteronomy 6:4).
  • Righteous (Romans 3:21-26)
  • Sovereign (Psalm 93:1)
  • Spirit (John 1:18
  • Trinity.
  • Truth (Psalm 117:2)
  • Holy (Isaiah 6:3)
  • Gracious, If it were not for God's grace, His holiness would exclude us from His presence. 

Father, You are unfathomable.  Too much for me to comprehend!  For all time there is not enough time to know all that there is of you!  I am humbled to think that I I have become so familiar with you that I have forgotten that you are holy.  That only because of your grace can I enter into your presence.  Thank you for granting us the access to you through Jesus.

Time to Defrost?

Today I decided to defrost the upright freezer that we have in the garage. It has been awhile since this was done. According to the experts,
"Defrosting a freezer refers to the process of removing the ice that builds up while a freezer is in use. Since the air and food that goes into freezers contains water vapor, this vapor is often trapped in the freezer, where it adheres to the walls or shelves and freezes. Over time, this buildup can inhibit the functions of the freezer and cause both practical and mechanical problems. Defrosting is done by melting and removing these ice deposits with various methods, depending on how much time you have and the type of freezer". 
This is how my defrosting experience went.
  • Step 1- Remove the frozen food and place into ice chests. (hands are cold since it is only 15 degrees outside! Put on gloves.)
  • Step 2-Throw away the food that has freezer burn or is older than 6 months. (There are some crazy looking things in here!)
  • Step 3- Fill up bucket with hot water and splash into freezer. (Burrrrrr, now I am cold!  I wish the water hadn't splashed me as well!)
  • Step 4- Grab towels and a water tray to catch the defrosting ice and water. ( I should have thought of this earlier.)
  • Step 5- Use spatula to remove ice. (This stuff is hard! How long has it been here?)
  • Step 6- Repeat steps 3 and 5. (Not fun but neccessary.)
  • Step 7- Walk away from the freezer for awhile. (Anger, Ice and cold not a good mix!)
  • Step 8- Return to finish the process. ( A little perspective and softer ice makes the job easier.)
  • Step 9- Place the food into the freezer and enjoy the organization. (I am proud of myself!)
This started my thinking about how often we stuff things deep down inside of us. How may things am I not looking at? How many things have freezer burn or have been hidden for a long time and need to be thrown out?

Is there;
Hurt that need Healing
Judgements that need Correction
Lies that need Truth Telling
Anger that needs Joyfullness
Despair that needs Hope

The good news for us is that in Christ we all have a new beginning.  We can become a new Creation. He can wipe away the old and create new.  He alone is able to Defrost us and reorganize and clean us up.

Father, Thank you for this reminder of what you want to do in us. I give you permission to clean me up. Chip away the ice and oldness that have been around too long. Refresh me Lord. Refresh me. Jann
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