Control Freak!

Lately I have been struggling with control issues!  I am sure that until I meet Jesus face to face I will struggle in this area!

When things happen that I have no control over, I start planning!  My mind goes into overdrive pondering how I can get my way!  Here is just a small list of the things that I try and control.

My husband and his
  • Job,diet, success and schedule
My mother and her
  • house, diet, clothing and hairstyle
My daughters and their
  • finances, relationships, clothing, and feelings
My church and Its
  • Policies, staff, schedules, and worship

Seriously I have issues!

When things are not going the way that I think they should, I am frustrated! God and I have had plenty of conversations about my need for control!

Recently after being frustrated with my husband because he wasn't doing something that I thought he needed to do, God woke me up in the middle of the night! The conversation went something like this,
"Jann, yes Lord?  I want you to trust me to lead your husband.  Basically, stop trying to control him and leave him alone.  He is my responsibility!"

"I don't like this at all" I whimpered to God!

"Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."           HEBREWS 1:1

One morning Jacob woke up after he had a conversation with God and he said, "Surely the Lord is in this place, and I was not aware of it" (Genesis 28:16).

In the middle of the night, God was able to get Jacob's attention.

I felt like Jacob when God woke me up! Jann trust me! Be aware that I am at work!

Since that night I have had several other things that have been weighing on my control freak mind.  The last one required me to focus on scripture!

Proverbs 3:5,6 and Isaiah 43:13

Yes, and from ancient days I am he. No one can deliver out of my hand. When I act, who can reverse it?"

I had to trust and believe God when He speaks. He was able to handle situations without me!  
Are there things that you need to let go of today? Are you in need of waking up to trust Him more today? God will speak to you but He won't force you to do anything. You like me still have to make a choice to believe what He says and then do it.
Father, I am sorry for being such a control freak. I trust you to lead me and and change me.  Teach me your ways Lord!  Give me a new heart and mind! Create in me a clean heart!
Love your control freak daughter,

The God of the Universe, of all creation can handle things without my help!

My Ways Are NOT Your Ways

2011 is a new year and a new opportunity to follow Jesus. There is a slight hitch to my plan, I like to be in control!

I want to be in control and make the decisions about

What I eat
What I do
What I wear
When I sleep
When I wake up
When I exercise
Who I spend time with
How I spend my money
Where I work

Unfortunately my plans are not always God's plans! Only God knows the paths that I should take and which ones will be the most profitable for the kingdom of Christ.

So this year here I have a new plan: Ask!

Deuteronomy 31:18 says,

"The Lord, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you." .

1. He is the one that goes before us, He knows the way.  He is the way.  Asking Him the direction I should go seems like a smart decision.

I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.
John 13:15

  2. I will try and follow in his footsteps.  When I don't know what to do I will  seek to do as Jesus did. 

I came that they might have life, and might have it abundantly. John 10:10

3. Last when I don't understand, I will remember that He loves me and that I can trust His heart.

I am reminded of the lyrics from a song "Trust His Heart"

                  God is too wise to be mistaken

God is too good to be unkind

So when you don't understand

When you don't see His plan

When you can't trace His hand

Trust His heart
In 2011 I will try and Follow His lead, Ask His Direction and Trust His heart!
Father, I give 2011 to you and I give back to you the decisions and control of my life. lead me gentle shepherd. Love your sheep, Jann

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