
Jesus is The Help

I became totally engrossed in the book The Help during vacation.

The story details the lives of several women from Mississippi who work as housekeepers during the 1960's.  The book is quite long and I am NOT a veracious reader but I found myself wanting to know more and more about the ladies and their stories in this novel.

With each page I craved information about what they were going to say and how they would respond to the days events.  I found myself cheering, smiling and crying all within the same chapter. 

The story reminded me that we are all the same, yet try so hard to be different from one another. In our attempt to feel better, we often can mistreat and belittle, even make up excuses as to why others may be just not good enough.

Sadly, I am guilty of this very thing. Time and time again I point out the weaknesses, frailties in others.  For some deranged reason it makes me feel better about my own inadequacies. Every day I must remind myself that If not for Christ and His atoning is sacrifice, I too would be lost!  
Because of Your cross
My debt is paid
Because of Your blood
My sins are washed away
Now all of my life I'll freely give
Because of Your love, Because of Your love
I live.
Phil Wickam
 Father, I am so sorry for judging and belittling your children, your creations. I know how this hurts my heart and now I understand that it grieves yours. Forgive me for this. Thank you for showing me your love and grace. Jann

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Thank you for visiting, Praying that you are blessed today. Jann