
Just like Goldilocks

When we were first married we slept in a full size bed. A wise Christian woman told me that, "sleeping close together will keep you from fighting because it is difficult to stay angry with someone who is that close to you." She was right and for twenty three years we slept snuggley in our cozy bed. When it was time to upgrade our bedroom we bought a queen size and have found that a little more room doesn't hurt our marriage,  on the contrary sleeping better can only be a helpful thing

 This past week we felt like Goldilocks. The bed at our vacation home was a king size, and although spacious I felt like it was too big! "Where are you?" I thought regarding my spouse. Later we stayed in a hotel with a queen size bed more like I am accustomed too, but it was "too hard". Last night we stayed at our friends home and they graciously offered us their guest room with a full size bed. It was " just right"!

It seems as though the things that have become familiar to us are the things that we are most happy, content with. We are creatures of habit and like Goldilocks we keep searching for the " just right" in our lives.

Spiritually, where is your " just right" zone? Where is it that you hear from God?
For some it is the still small voice, for others it is when they are intently searching the scriptures where as others may find a fresh experience in worship their just right zone.

 Praying that you find yours and enjoy your rime with Him. 

 Father, thank you for creating us all uniquely different and giving us "just right" times with you. Refresh us in those times. We need you. Jann

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Thank you for visiting, Praying that you are blessed today. Jann