The Penguin Suit

The Penguin suit.
Antarctic: Signy Island - Adelie penguins

Not this kind .

The one that the astronauts wear.  I just learned of the name for the clothing that they wear while they are in space.  The suit helps their muscles to have a work out. At zero gravity, the muscles of the body begin to waste away because there is no resistance. To counteract this, the penguin suit was invented.  This workout machne is actually a running suit laced with elastic bands. It resists every move the they make, forcing them to exert their strength.

Many times we can long for an easy life with no trials or testing, but it takes difficult times to strengthen our faith. Going through the daily struggles of the penguin suits saved the astronauts many weeks and months of pain later.

Even so, it is through the trials of life that God perfects us and grows us so we can serve Him better.

When we don't have trials in our lives we can become weak. Trials according to James develop perseverance in us. 

Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. James 1:2-4

If we wish to run the race well spiritually speaking, we need to develop perseverance. Which comes only through a form of spiritual “resistance trainingWe must put on our Penguin suits

Will you put on the Penguin suit and Remain under the trials to develop perseverance? 

Or will you be weak and unable go the long haul?

Decide how you will respond to trials. 

May the suit be with you!

You know that this is so difficult for me. I would rather not have the trials and just be happy. This would not be the best thing for me however. Use the trials to perfect me, making me more and more who you want me to be. Please give me wisdom to remain in the trial until you say that it has finished its work. May I experience the joy of knowing you!
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God is BIGGER than we are stupid!!

God is BIGGER than we are stupid!!

I know what you are thinking. What did she just say?  Years ago a friend told me this truth and it has stuck with we.  Whenever I don't understand what direction that my life is heading or the circumstances I find myself in, I throw my hands into the air and say, "God is bigger than I am stupid"! 

Think of it this way.
If you trust Him
If you believe that He is in control.
If you know that he created the heavens and the earth

Then our doubts and fears don't even compare to His vastness, beauty or power. I have learned to give in and get out of the way. Currently I have been wrestling with something that I don't understand and so just this morning, up went my hands and I said God is bigger than I am Stupid.  In essence, God, you win! 

Remember when you were little and you would wrestle with friends or siblings.  What was the cry that was heard from the one giving in?  Uncle! It was the sign that you had enough and that you recognized your place.  Animals do this all the time.  They have their little tussles and then ultimately one of them backs off and takes a servant position. 

That is what I feel when I throw my hands into the air.  I am saying, "You God- are the potter and I am the clay. Mold me, melt me, break me, re-use me in any way that you seem necessary.

I am saying,
                     "You are God and I am NOT!"

I am recognizing the truth of Isaiah 45:12
It is I who made the earth and created mankind upon it. My own hands stretched out the heavens; I marshaled their starry hosts.  

If you are struggling with
  • Attitudes
  • Behaviors
  • Circumstances
  • Death
  • Encouragement
  • Friendships
  • Grudges
  • Health
  • Insecurity
  • Jealousy
  • Kindness
  • Love
  • Marriage
  • Nearness to God
  • Ongoing doubt
  • Paying your bills
  • Quietness
  • Reconciliation
  • Sin
  • Trust
  • Unresolved anger
  • Vision
  • Wants
  • Xtra possesions
  • Zoo of a life!
Take a moment and ask God to show you his bigness!  In a moment of surrender, throw those hands up and tell him that he is bigger than any problem, circumstance or attitude that is in your life. I promise it will give you a new perspective and you just might laugh in the middle of it.  A little joy for tough times.

Thank you for reminding me that you are in control.  As I raise my hands to you I confess that you indeed are bigger than I am stupid.  I put my trust in you. Thank you for looking at me and hearing my requests. Help me to keep my heart and mind focused on you and on your will.

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Will this ever get easier?

Humble yourself before the Lord and he will lift you up. James 4:10

I have heard this so many times.  From the time I became a Christian in the summer of my 9th grade year, I have sung the worship song. "Humble thyself in the sight of the Lord".  It seems like such a simple idea. 

God is bigger and better than me. 
  • He is the ultimate Creator. 
  • The Alpha and Omega.
  • The Great I AM.
  • The one who called me by name.
  • He sent His son to save me.
And yet, I still struggle at times to give Him the glory due His name.

I think about my wants and needs instead of His plan and purposes
I know he is calling me to bow before Him, to allow Him to lead me, to surrender to His will.

Will this ever get easier?

The promise in the verse is that "He will lift you up".

I am choosing to humble myself, holding onto His promise that as I do, He will lift me up.

I know I sound like a broken record.  I want to live for you and serve you, yet I struggle to do so consistently. I apologize for forgetting who you are. I am humbled as I write this.  Please accept my apology and fill me with a deeper awareness of your kingdom and of your majesty. Thank you for your promises. I will put my trust in you because I know that your mercies are new every morning.
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I feel a sting coming on!

Ouch! What the heck was that? I frantically asked my husband as we were cycling South down the Rockford trail.

The day had started out at Ann St and we were headed to Rockford about 12 miles North. The air was crisp and we both were excited to accomplish this new cycling record for ourselves. Off we went and the trail was nice, smooth and not crowded. Everywhere we looked there were trees and greenery with the river streaming past us in the distance. What a beautiful day! On our way to Rockford we talked about how some of the trees and landscapes reminded us of Big Bear, Ca. It was breathtaking. I almost forgot that I was getting tired.
Before we knew it we were in Rockford and had our lunch sitting at a table by the Rogue River. Soon it was time to head back down the trail that we came up on. I was excited because some of it was downhill! My legs felt a little stiff at first and I wondered when they would warm up. Kevin and I started playing a game of jump frog. One of us would speed up and then the other person would try to catch up and ride in front etc. This was a great way to keep our energy and laughter up.

Then I felt a sting! Ouch! What the heck was that? I frantically asked my husband!

Western honey beeImage via Wikipedia

Somehow, through my tight black cycling shorts a bee had stung me. I really have no idea how or why this happened. I was doing my best to keep up with Kevin and was having fun when out of nowhere this pain began. I felt that sting for the rest of the ride back to our car and well into the night! 

After we got home that afternoon and I had taken my shoes off, I went out to check our mail. On my way back to the house I felt something vaguely familiar, a hot stinging sensation IN MY FOOT! That's right, two bee stings in one day. Do they like sweaty bodies? Honestly. I can't remember the last time that I was stung by a bee.

Whenever things happen more than once, I think, Is God trying to get my attention?

I am not sure, but I did have a thought about these two stinging events.

  • Our words have the power to bless and to curse.
  • Our actions have the power to show mercy or contempt.
  • Our lives have the potential to Glorify God or dishonor Him.
Like the bee sting we have the ability to place a seed in others lives that will stay with them and as God blesses it, it may grow.

What are you leaving in others?
Will it Glorify Jesus?

Thanks for gentle and stinging reminders that it is all about YOU! Teach me how to be a worker that is purposefully looking at the harvest. Show me how and who to love in your name. Oh that I may be a sweet aroma to you.


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Do not harden your heart

Today, if you hear His voice, do not harden your heart…" Psalm 95:7-8

This morning I was busy cleaning and organizing.  My day was planned. I had my list. The list that told me all of the important things that needed to be done. I was let's say "in a cleaning frenzy"!
  • Unload the dishes
  • Sweep the floor
  • Wash the floor
  • Clean the refrigerator
  • Vacuum
  • Bathrooms
  • Strip the beds
  • Windows (maybe)
  • Dust
  • Clean the ceiling fans
I was well on my way to hitting these items hard and fast.  I felt like the energizer bunny.  In the midst of cleaning those pesky crumbs, coffee beans and dog hairs from under the front of the stove I had a thought come into my mind,
"Meet with Me."
There was no misunderstanding as to who was talking. God was asking me to stop and spend some time with Him.  again I heard,
"There is only one thing that is needed."
I would like to tell you that I dropped everything and immediately spent time with Him.  Sadly, I did not. I want to make an excuse and say, that what I was doing, my list and all, was so important. It was not! So I set an appointment with Him and set the clock for five minutes. In five minutes, no matter what, I would sit with the Lord. I am happy to say that I did. I know that you may think, "why would she do that? She should have and sat with Him right away."

I would rather come to Him with my heart and mind focussed then to be distracted. I want to sit at His feet and learn from him. I am grateful for the graciousness He shows to me and His gentle leadings.

Sometimes we have this picture of an angry God who demands our love and committment to Him. That has not been my experience with Him. He gently woos me and lovingly redirects when I am out of step with Him. As I have begun to listen to his direction more and more, I hear His voice more clearly than before.

How is God calling you to spend time with Him?
 Enjoy His presence.                                                              

He is calling you to himself.

Thank you for times in your presence.  There is nothing like being with you in prayer and in your word. I love hearing you call. Help me to not let my list or my day come before you.
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