Prayer is like a vacation.

Did you know that the words "Be still" mean to vacate?  It is where the word vacation comes from. Each time we come to the Father in prayer and are still, we take a vacation, a breather, a repsite.  It is a time that we can rest and listen and just be still.

Ruth Haley Barton writes of a time that she was told to do this.

"you are like a jar of river water all shaken up.

What you need is to sit still long enough so that the sediment can settle and the water can become clear."

What are the things that are swirling around you?


Sit still long enough so that the sediment, the (junk) can fall to the bottom.

"Martha, Martha," the Lord answered, "you are worried and upset about      many things."

Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10

Let the things of this earth fall to the bottom and you will see more clearly!

Father, thank you that you have made us to need the connection of prayer. Thank you for being God! Thank you for taking the craziness out of what is swirling around us and bringing peace. 
Thank you for giving us a vacation anytime that we are still and invite you in.  Please remind us to do this more often.

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Brown layer

OnionsImage via Wikipedia
Brown layer!  That doesn't sound very good does it?  This weekend, my husband and I attended our church's marriage retreat.  Paul and Susie Ulrickson were our speakers and they reminded us that being a couple takes some hard work.  We did exercises that helped us communicate feelings and come to a better understanding of each other.  At one point the term "Brown Layer" was introduced.
Paul explained it to be like
 the outer portion of an onion.  The stuff that we throw away.
 Often the first things that we begin to share with each other are much like this "Brown Layer"!  It was a great concept for me, since I often process verbally and don't always filter what is said.  It gave me permission to say, "I think that was "brown layer" let's start over!"

It is probably why in Scripture is tells us to be slow to speak and quick to listen!  We are to listen more than we speak!

I will try to put this into practice. My husband has already become used to the phrase "Brown Layer"

Help me to guard my tongue and choose wisely the words that I speak. Lord help me also to recognize when I say things that are "brown Layer and to own up to them. Give me quick ears and a slow tongue.
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