Jann's top ten list of favorites for 2010.
Watching God work in
- Obedience. I am always amazed and filled with awe at His power and timing. If only I could only remember this in the moment when I am filled with fear and doubt.
- Kenya. I will always remember the brothers and sisters that he has added to my family.
- Women at Journey. Studying God's word together has transformed and filled us! Romans 15:13
- Marriage. He has given me a servant leader husband, whom I adore. I love serving Jesus with him.
- Deep conversations with Jeni and Lissa my daughters. What an incredible blessing they are to me. I learn something every time I am with them.
- Breaking down the iron gates and setting the captives free.
- The joy of cycling. It has become a passion and a joy.
- The heart of my mother. Only You Lord could soften it.
- Casleah and Raquel. I am humbled to come along side of them as they grow in Christ.
- The season of fasting as Corinth. Bringing us to yourself Lord! Thank you!

"Look among the nations ! Observe ! Be astonished ! Wonder ! Because I am doing something in your days - You would not believe if you were told. Habakkuk 1:5Are you ready to look and see, too be astonished, to wonder? I am!
Welcome 2011 may you bring God Glory!
Father, thank you for always surprising and filling us to overflow. I am excited to see all that you have planned for 2011. Remind me often that you are at work even when I do not see it. Jann
No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him" I Corinthians 2:9
Awww, thank you Jann for everything you did for me in the past 2 years!! It has truly been a blessing!! You have taught me how to humble myself and listen to the spirit, and to let him rule my entire life! Also you taught me the blessing of praying through scripture!! And soo much more!! love you!!