Waterfall of Praise!

Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting.Acts 2:2

The counselors at Camp Geneva taught us an exciting and inspiring way to pray.  They called it "waterfall prayer".  Everyone prays out loud at the same time!
 It is like a mighty rushing wind of praise and petition. I was overwhelmed by the beauty of this symphonic time of praise. 
Join with me today, as I celebrate the work that God has done this week in the lives of the campers

Sing praises to God, sing praises; sing praises to our King, sing praises.Psalm 47:6 

Yesterday we talked with many students about what they were thankful for.  The list was varied. These 3rd-6th grade students expressed gratitude for, their xbox 360's, candy, toys, and many others. A young boy camper with sandy blonde hair came over to the round blue picnic table and declared that he was thankful for family and friends then just as quickly he walked away!  What happened next was priceless!  He returned determined to tell us one more important item on his thankful list. Raising his fist he proudly stated, "I am thankful for the soldiers that protect us!" What an amazing praise!

The campers top three thankful items were:

  1. God
  2. Jesus
  3. Family
Later in the evening these campers participated in their own waterfall of praise by writing things they were thankful for on large papers all over the room. 

Each day we have the opportunity to be like the one leper who returned to say thank you.  

What is on your "thankful" list today?

Father thank you is not enough to say as I reflect on the work of your Spirit this week! May these children remember the love that was shared with them and the hope of your invitation that was given to them. Fan into flame the seeds that were planted!  Jann

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Thank you for visiting, Praying that you are blessed today. Jann

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