The morning was off to a beautiful start with a hot cup of coffee, the news on television and all I needed to do was put on my makeup.
I have loved makeup since middle school. My friend Alana and I would spend hours to apply just the right amount of eyeshadow and mascara. I hate to admit it but we even used a safety pin to separate our eyelashes! Something I later told my daughters to NEVER do!
On this morning the eyeshadow had been applied with just enough highlighter on the brow, a darker color in the crease and a middle color on the lid. The finishing touch was to add the eyeliner.

I freaked out a little! Why now? Of course I only had 5 minutes to finish before I needed to leave for work. This meant that I had to quickly remove the makeup and try to salvage my eyeshadow!
I spent a moment to ask God to settle my heart and prepare me for the day.
Somehow, I accomplished the task, arrived at work on time and throughout the day removed what remained of the goopy black in my eyes!
What did I learn from this?
Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Philippians 4:6 (NLT)
It only takes a moment for things to get crazy in life. How you respond depends on that one little moment of asking God to settle your heart.
He stilled the storm to a whisper; the waves of the sea were hushed.
Psalm 107:29
If Jesus can calm the storms on the water, He can calm your heart!
Father, thank you for calming our anxious hearts!

awww...not laughing at your pain, but this was funny! have a great day - and thanks for the inspirations.