I love doors, door knobs, keys and locks! Their stories and secrets intrigue me. With this in mind I set forth and began a new project with my faithful friend Catherine to guide me. It started with an old door that we found at a salvage yard. I was immediately drawn to the tattered and worn door, covered in layers of paint that had crackled.
We brought it to my garage and there it sat for a whole year. Sometimes new beginnings are like that, they take a while to take shape!
Creating something new out of something old is exciting!
Table Recipe
- Enlist a gifted friend to help you
- Measure twice cut once
- Sand the jagged edges
- Attach legs to stabilize
- Cover with the color of your choice. I used this DIY chalk paint. It was easy and quick.
- Re-paint when you change your mind
- Sand to smooth
- Wax it to create a shine and to protect it
- Arrange your new furniture
- Enjoy your new creation
What I learned
Creating something new out of an old discarded object reminded me of how God is in the business of renewing, re-forming, re-purposing. He makes all things new!He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new! Revelation 21:5This project has helped me see how God begins a process of change in my life.
He selects the perfect time to begin the reshaping.
Surrounds me with friends to support me
Has a plan for His design
Uses every opportunity to soften my rough edges
Gives me the necessary supports of scripture, prayer and encouragement
Covers me with His Spirit
Smooths out other rough spots
Crowns me with His love
Places me in His will
Loves and cherishes me.
Father help me to be patient as you make me into who you want me to be.

Great post... :)
ReplyDeleteGreat table too.