Being Good

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Day 7
When I begin to think about God being good it's difficult to completely understand it.
Perhaps it's because we are not good and trying to fathom God goodness it's so foreign to us.

The bible says there is no one good but God alone. Mark 10:18

There is none without sin Romans 3:10

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23

And there it is
God has a glory that we can't possibly understand because we are but dust. We have a sin nature in our humanness so we cannot comprehend his glory.
Whenever you look at a newborn child  you are filled with awe, wonder and amazement. There's a piece of God's glory there that we take in.  When looking into the eyes of an infant we marvel in it because it's so inspiring.

The most amazing sunset/ sunrise or the natural beauty of a waterfall takes our breath away. We stand there staring, wondering how that was ever created.  In that moment we have a sense of God's glory but, it's just a little peek!

He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted. Job 5:9

In the Old Testament there are many references to holy ground and if you were to see the glory of the Lord that you would be instantly killed because it would be too much for you.
His glory is something we cannot understand fully. Imagine the brightest light you've ever seen where you have to shield your eyes from it because it is too grand, too great, too powerful for us to take in. That is what I imagine is part of God's glory.

We've been looking at God's goodness this week. As we come to the end of these devotions I realize we've only just begun to look at God's goodness because it's unfathomable!

Here is what I have learned!
  • There is nothing not good about God
  • There is nothing not good that is in Him
Here lies the good truth today

Because of Jesus we are in Him.

On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you. John 14:20

Friends this is good news! We are in God who is good and there is nothing but good in God, therefore we have his goodness!

When you look in that mirror repeat after me, "I am good because God is good, all the time!"


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Thank you for visiting, Praying that you are blessed today. Jann

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