Think about how the tree lives its life.
Firmly planted by the water
Sending out its roots deep down
There is no fear when the heat comes
Leaves are always luscious green
Times of drought does not effect it
Fruit continues to be produced
This tree knows where it gets it's nourishment and life giving water.
But blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him.
We can learn a lot from the tree!
Put your hope and confidence in Jesus and you will be blessed.
The Hebrew word for blessed is (barak).
Which means to kneel down to offer blessing.
Which means to kneel down to offer blessing.
When you acknowledge God's provision in your life, you are a blessing to Him.
We too are blessed by this humble act as our confidence and trust increase.
How can you kneel down before His throne today?

Oh, I love that verse and the whole tree connection. Powerful, beautiful and so perfectly expressed. That was one of the first passages God used to speak to me!