Cooking day

In 2 hours I created 4 meals and muffins plus a pot roast in the crock pot, roasted brussel sprouts and mashed turnips. 

In the picture, is a spinach quiche, sausage soup, sausage and peppers and chili over spaghetti squash.  You might think that this would tire me out but instead I feel like I want to cook some more!  All of these recipes are made the Paleo way and are extremely healthy! The purpose of creating these meals are so that I can have delicious, nutritious lunches! What a blessing to have these in my freezer.

Every day in the lunchroom, people peer into my lunch and say, "What do you have today? Some want to try it and others, (like my friend Kelly) say, "well, that looks interesting". She very rarely will try it because she is afraid that she will not like it. 

We are all like this at times. Even with spiritual things we can become picky. "Lord, I would like this, some of those, but not that!" 

James and John had the same issues. Imagine treating Jesus as if he was here to grant your every wish!
Then James and John, the sons of Zebedee, came to him. “Teacher,” they said, “we want you to do for us whatever we ask.” Mark 10:35
By the response that was given to them it is safe to say that we do not get to pick and choose from a smorgasbord of blessings. They are given at the sole discretion of the blesser!

“What do you want me to do for you?” he asked. They replied, “Let one of us sit at your right and the other at your left in your glory.” “You don’t know what you are asking,” Jesus said. “Can you drink the cup I drink or be baptized with the baptism I am baptized with?” “We can,” they answered. Jesus said to them, “You will drink the cup I drink and be baptized with the baptism I am baptized with, but to sit at my right or left is not for me to grant. These places belong to those for whom they have been prepared.” Mark 10:36-40

Blessings come in many forms. Although not always in the ways that we would normally think. Sometimes like my friend Kelly, it is easy to want to pick and choose how we are blessed. 

Fortunately our God is the giver of every good and perfect gift! 

 "I will bless my people and their homes around my holy hill. And in the proper season I will send the showers they need. There will be showers of blessing." Ezekiel 34:26

Father help us to remember that Your gifts come in Your time and in Your way! 



I am in love with this fruit! There is never enough of it!
In addition to being tasty it has great nutrients.

Great info from health-alternatives

Mango - nutritional information
One mango without peel contains 1.06 grams of protein, 135 calories and 3.7 grams of dietary fiber.
Potassium - 323 mg
Phosphorus - 23 mg
Magnesium - 19 mg
Calcium - 21 mg
Sodium - 4 mg
Iron - 0.27 mg
Selenium 1.2 mcg
Manganese - 0.056 mg
Copper - 0.228 mg
Zinc - 0.08 mg
Also contains small amounts of other minerals.
Vitamin A - 1584 IU
Vitamin B1 (thiamine) - 0.12 mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - 0.118 mg
Niacin - 1.209 mg
Folate - 29 mcg
Pantothenic Acid - 0.331 mg
Vitamin B6 - 0.227 mg
Vitamin C - 57.3 mg
Vitamin E - 2.32 mg
Vitamin K - 8.7 mcg
Contains some other vitamins in small amounts.

The only trouble has been getting that darn pit out! I found a picture of a tool that I want to try.  Let me know if you have ever used a mango slicer!

In my quest to eat more mangoes I made this recipe. 

Banana Mango muffins

1 1/2 cups almond flour
1 teaspoon baking soda

1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
3 eggs
1/3 cup raw honey
1 ripe banana
1 tablespoon coconut flour

2 tsp vanilla
2 tsp chia seeds
1/4 cup coconut oil
1/4 cup chopped pecans for topping
1 medium mango, peeled and cut into small squares


Combine all of the wet ingredients, except the mango, Add the dry ingredients and mix well Next add the mango stir until incorporated but don't mush it up. 

Pour into muffin tins. 
(I always use liners) Top with pecans and Bake for 20-24 minutes at 350 degrees. 

Allow to cool completely before devouring!

Yes they were delicious! The little pieces of mango are a wonderful pop of sweetness in this muffin. Next time I might even add more mango!  his little one 

What I learned

Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. Proverbs 16:24

Even a little bit of sweetness can make a difference.  You never know what a smile can do for someone. An act of kindness can sweeten someones day, a kind word can change someones outlook, a soft touch can bring comfort. 

I work with the cutest kindergarten and first graders.  Some of them come from homes that are anything but sweet. They are starving for a smile, a look a touch.  Giving it to them is a joy for me and world of difference for many of them. 

Yesterday one student showed me how his father disciplines him. This little ones face became twisted and full of anger as he told me of his father's angry words and harshness with him. All I could do was speak softly, crouch down and look him in the eyes and tell him how happy I was to have him at our school.  Then in a sweet moment he wrapped his arms around me. 

We have a choice to make a difference in this world. I choose joy and want to share that joy with everyone I meet. 

Who needs to have a little bit of His sweetness shared with them today?

Paleo Sweet potato and Zucchini Fritters

Why is it that we love all things fried? Just the mention of crispy fired potatoes causes my mouth to salivate! When I found this recipe for sweet potato and zucchini fritters I was very excited and they certainly did not disappoint.  


3 eggs
2 tsp coconut flour
Salt and Pepper
1 tsp garlic
1 tablespoon oregano
2 cups shredded
sweet potato & zucchini
coconut oil for frying

Beat the eggs and add garlic, spices and flour.
Mix in sweet potato and zucchini.

Make into good size balls and flatten. 
Heat skillet and melt coconut oil. Add fritters to the hot oil turn over after a few minutes, flatten slightly and continue to cook till browned. Place on a paper towel when finished and then enjoy! 

These were a big hit! The pairing of sweet potato and zucchini works really well! Some things are meant to be served together!

What I Learned

As Christians there are things that just work better together.

Love and Forgiveness
Mercy and Grace
Peace and Joy
Salvation and Eternity
Trust and Obedience
You and Jesus

You were never meant to do this thing called life alone! 


What holds you back?

What is holding you back?  What is preventing you from moving forward?  What keeps you from.......?

Often we think that it is our circumstances or opportunities or other people.  I believe that we do it to ourselves.

Before you reach out and strangle me- think about the last time you put on a few pounds.  Did the food do it?  Did someone else make you, force you to eat it?  Did the ice cream jump out of the freezer and slide down your throat?  Of course not!  

We make the choice of what we eat and how much.  This morning I was all upset that I had gained a few pounds. My first response was to be mad at all of eating out that I have done recently. 

 Even in the midst of my internal tirade, I realized that I still chose to eat those meals.  I also chose NOT to exercise. 
What is the cause of my weight gain?  Me!

Spiritually we also can hold ourselves back from going deeper with the Lord.  It is as though we have put up a caution tape that we won't allow ourselves to go through. 

We all have things that stop us from intimacy with the Lord.
Whether it is;

anger or answers
fear or failure
laziness or lies
regrets or relationships
sin or shame

He tells us to come to him and he will give us rest.
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28

Zacchaeus was a Jewish inhabitant of Jericho and its chief tax collector, mentioned in Luke (Luke 19:1-10) watched from a distance and then Jesus invited him into a deeper relationship with him.

Today you can also go deeper. Come down from your hiding place, from watching from afar and cross through the caution tape.  He is waiting for you to let go of what is stopping you and enter into his rest.

If you could take away what keeps you from being closer to the Lord, what would that feel like?  The choice is yours.  Take a step of faith and break through. 

Father, help me to rip away the caution tape and come to you. Remind me of the goodness and comfort of being with you. Thank you for always inviting us to more of yourself. 

Reposted from my previous Blog

The Freezer

Today I decided to defrost the upright freezer that we have in the garage. It has been awhile since this was done. According to the experts,
"Defrosting a freezer refers to the process of removing the ice that builds up while a freezer is in use. Since the air and food that goes into freezers contains water vapor, this vapor is often trapped in the freezer, where it adheres to the walls or shelves and freezes. Over time, this buildup can inhibit the functions of the freezer and cause both practical and mechanical problems. Defrosting is done by melting and removing these ice deposits with various methods, depending on how much time you have and the type of freezer". 
This is how my defrosting experience went.
  • Step 1- Remove the frozen food and place into ice chests. (hands are cold since it is only 15 degrees outside! Put on gloves.)
  • Step 2-Throw away the food that has freezer burn or is older than 6 months. (There are some crazy looking things in here!)
  • Step 3- Fill up bucket with hot water and splash into freezer. (Burrrrrr, now I am cold!  I wish the water hadn't splashed me as well!)
  • Step 4- Grab towels and a water tray to catch the defrosting ice and water. ( I should have thought of this earlier.)
  • Step 5- Use spatula to remove ice. (This stuff is hard! How long has it been here?)
  • Step 6- Repeat steps 3 and 5. (Not fun but necessary.)
  • Step 7- Walk away from the freezer for awhile. (Anger, Ice and cold not a good mix!)
  • Step 8- Return to finish the process. ( A little perspective and softer ice makes the job easier.)
  • Step 9- Place the food into the freezer and enjoy the organization. (I am proud of myself!)
This started my thinking about how often we stuff things deep down inside of us. How may things am I not looking at? How many things have freezer burn or have been hidden for a long time and need to be thrown out?

Is there;
Hurt that need Healing
Judgements that need Correction
Lies that need Truth Telling
Anger that needs Joyfulness
Despair that needs Hope

The good news for us is that in Christ we all have a new beginning.  We can become a new Creation. He can wipe away the old and create new.  He alone is able to Defrost us and reorganize and clean us up.

Father, Thank you for this reminder of what you want to do in us. I give you permission to clean me up. Chip away the ice and oldness that have been around too long.
 Refresh me Lord. Refresh me. 


Reposted from my previous blog in 2010

Brown Spotted Bananas

In our home, when there are no bananas, my husband says, "There is NO FOOD!" He loves bananas! According to some new research, he may be on to something! I have often complained that the bananas ripen much to quickly and brown spots cover their peels.  These overly ripe bananas have not been my favorite until I learned this!

As a banana ripens it produces a substance called TNF (Tumor Necrosis Factor). This amazing substance fights off abnormal cells. In the process of ripening dark spots develop on the skin. As more dark patches develops, the higher levels of  immunity fighting substance is also produced.

My Husband loves bananas for a good reason.

The Japanese scientific research has also shown that TNF has anti-cancer properties. When the fruit is ripest, the anti-cancer fighting agent is at it's peak! So, the riper the banana, the better the anti-cancer quality! Amazing! The y
ellow skin bananas with dark spots are 8 times more effective at increasing white blood cells.

What I learned,
We too have age spots! A little kindergartner pointed to my hands one day and asked what those brown spots were on my hands!  As our skin ages, we have marks of maturity, seasoning I like to call it! With age we too have an extra added benefit of a fighter within us!  The more experiences we have, the more our knowledge base grows! The more we trust in the Lord in the midst of difficult times, the more our spots grow! Wouldn't it be fantastic if every time we struggled through a spot appeared? Think about how these spots would become a badge of honor!

Today, as you look upon your hands, spots and all, or upon those age lines developing, remember that within you is the greatest fighter of all time, the Holy Spirit!  He is and always will be the best immune fighter, for He alone can comfort, lead, and fill you. God has a plan to use your experiences to develop in you a character that is reflecting who He is and that includes your spots!

Hebrews 12:1-13


Coconut oil

Coconut oil is lovely! I have been cooking with coconut oil for a while and even take a spoonful now and then. It's like eating a mounds bar without the guilt. You may be surprised that this oil isn't just for cooking. Recently I started using it as a part of my beauty regimen.
You would be amazed at how efficient it is as a makeup remover, moisturizer and shaving lotion. (be careful that you don't use to much on your eyes!) It doesn't burn just can become gloopy!

This week I tried it in my hair as a moisturizing treatment. On dry hair, I took a handful of coconut oil and simply massaged it throughout. I really thought that it would leave my fine hair limp and weighted down.  After a normal wash and condition, my hair was silky soft and smooth! Love this!

Google "coconut oil" and find thousands of entries touting the benefits of using it from toothpaste to curing a variety of illnesses. It is amazing how this one oil can be used in so many areas of our lives.

A list of research can be found here. Even Dr. Oz has gotten on the coconut oil band wagon.

What I learned

God isn't just for Sunday mornings! He isn't just for reading the Bible. He isn't just for salvation prayers! God is God and therefore He is over all. We limit the power available to us when we place Him into a box that dictates how and when we will allow Him into our lives. 

It is not that He doesn't have the power to 
transform and more.

Maybe its that we just don't believe that he has the power?

I love looking at the names of God. It helps me remember that He is so much more than what I make Him out to be. 

I found this list of praying the names of God.  Awesome resource.

Let them know that you, whose name is the LORD-- that you alone are the Most High over all the earth.Psalm 83:18

The LORD is my strength and song, And He has become my salvation; This is my God, and I will praise Him; My father's God, and I will extol Him. "The LORD is a warrior; The LORD is His name. Exodus 15:2-3


The perfect match

While on summer break, when my husband was out of town, I wanted to surprise him by re-doing our home office. All I needed to do was paint over a large mural. After picking out the perfect brick red paint I started the process of preparing the walls. Carefully I taped the baseboards, corners and ceiling. Once the area was prepared, the painting began. It took several coats to cover the mural but when it was finished, I loved the result, until I took the tape off. 

Slowly the tape was peeled back and the truth was revealed.
The red paint had bled through onto the creme colored walls. "No problem", I told myself since there was extra creme paint downstairs in the basement. after locating the paint that the previous owners had left for us, I pried open the can. Imagine the fun I had as I gazed into the now solidified chunk of creme paint that filled the can! 

I had the can with the paint color on it, so surely the local hardware store could color match it. Off I went to find my perfect paint color. As the attendant handed me the paint it appeared to be the one, the perfect match. "That wasn't too hard", I thought. 

Excited to get this project completed I went to town touching up the corners and was so surprised by the match of the paint. Soon I was filling holes and painting over them. Satisfied with the progress I left the room to let it dry.

Entering the room this is what I saw. The paint was not the perfect match as I had thought! After another trip to the store and another mis-match, I combined the first paint with the second and it almost matched the existing walls. 

The final result made me happy!

What I learned

I can so often try to replicate what only Jesus can do in my life.  I try to satisfy myself with success, clothes, experiences and food.  When, oh when, will I learn that only He is the way? I keep trying to make the perfect match, but there is none like Him, none able to save, none able to fill my heart with gladness.  There is only one Jesus!


Paleo Chicken Bastilla

In my quest to discover recipes using dates I stumbled across Chicken Bastila from The Clothes Make The Girl

A very interesting recipe . All directions are listed on her page. 

It looks complex and since I love challenges I rolled up my sleeves and had at it! It took 2 hours to make!

The fragrance was amazing!
The chicken was very tasty as it simmered in the sauce!

 The Result

It was a lot of work to create this.  The flavors are interesting, but I didn't love it. The finished result seemed way to dry for my liking. I actually thought that the simmering chicken was delicious and would definitely make that again, but not the whole recipe.

What I Learned

As a Christian I can over complicate things. The old saying, "God said it, I believe it, that settles it"is a much better way of doing life than following way of doing church or bible study. This experience reminded me that, my directions are 2 fold, To love God with all that I am and have and secondly,  to love my neighbor as myself. End of directions.

Why do I try to complicate the simplicity of the gospel?
I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10
Father show me how to live in the simplicity of your love and only follow your commands. Guide me Oh my great Jehovah

Be still my soul

Another moment has come upon me. One that I was not wanting or expecting. My mother who has Alzheimer's disease was with me at church. As we were singing a hymn, she became lost in the hymnal, unable to follow along. Her eyes filled with frustration and confusion, eventually she just closed the book. 

My heart broke as I saw this once confident woman who loved to sing frustrated by the very thing she loved! During the next hymn I wept inside as the song explained my feelings!

Be still, my soul: the Lord is on thy side.
Bear patiently the cross of grief or pain.
Leave to thy God to order and provide;
In every change, He faithful will remain.
Be still, my soul: thy best, thy heavenly Friend
Through thorny ways leads to a joyful end.

Be still, my soul: thy God doth undertake
To guide the future, as He has the past.
Thy hope, thy confidence let nothing shake;
All now mysterious shall be bright at last.
Be still, my soul: the waves and winds still know
His voice Who ruled them while He dwelt below.

Be still, my soul: when dearest friends depart,
And all is darkened in the vale of tears,
Then shalt thou better know His love, His heart,
Who comes to soothe thy sorrow and thy fears.
Be still, my soul: thy Jesus can repay
From His own fullness all He takes away.

Be still, my soul: the hour is hastening on
When we shall be forever with the Lord.
When disappointment, grief and fear are gone,
Sorrow forgot, love’s purest joys restored.
Be still, my soul: when change and tears are past
All safe and blessed we shall meet at last.

Be still, my soul: begin the song of praise
On earth, believing, to Thy Lord on high;
Acknowledge Him in all thy words and ways,
So shall He view thee with a well pleased eye.
Be still, my soul: the Sun of life divine
Through passing clouds shall but more brightly shine.

I do not know what lies ahead, I do not have control of this horrible disease that continues to rob my mom of her memory. I do have this hope, That I can cling to the one who knows the future, who holds my mom in His hands and who calls her by name. Be Still my soul, God is still God!

Paleo Caramelized Onion, Date burger

I have been on a date fest! Trying out new recipes all using one same ingredient dates! The first post What Can I make with dates started it all. This time I began making Caramelized Onion, Date burgers from The Lemon Nest.

Of course I took her recipe and changed it up a bit! In fact, I made two variations, then had my husband judge the final results. He loved being a cooking aficionado!

Paleo Caramelized Onion, Date Burger

2 l/b grass fed ground beef
6 pitted dates chopped
1 onion chopped
1 TB coconut oil
salt and pepper to taste
1 tsp garlic

Saute the onions and dates in the coconut oil until tender. (You will be pleasantly surprised by this taste!)

First prepare the hamburger mixture by seasoning with garlic, salt and pepper. 

Hamburger 1- Mix in half of the date mixture and prepare into burgers then grill. 

Hamburger 2- Prepare burgers, grill then top of the burger with the date mixture.

They both were tasty but one seemed to keep us coming back for more!
And the winner was??????

The burger that had the date mixture inside! It flavored the entire burger with it's sweetness.

What I learned

God has place His sweetness within us, a covenant that He longs for us to respond to. 

They shall be My people, and I will be their God; and I will give them one heart and one way, that they may fear Me always, for their own good and for the good of their children after them. "I will make an everlasting covenant with them that I will not turn away from them, to do them good; and I will put the fear of Me in their hearts so that they will not turn away from Me."I will rejoice over them to do them good and will faithfully plant them in this land with all My heart and with all My soul.  Jeremiah 32:38-41

His one purpose for us is to know Him

I will give them a heart to know me, that I am the LORD. They will be my people, and I will be their God, for they will return to me with all their heart. Jeremiah 24:7

We have a choice in how we connect with God. We can simply to add Him to our lives, by following His commands, going to church, trying to do the right things or we can become fully changed by allowing Him to change us from this inside out. When we abide with Him, everything we do and say is flavored by the Holy Spirit who lives within us. This is how I want to be flavored!
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