
Spunky is our Australian shepherd and Chow mix dog. She has bounds of energy and is so much fun. She has one very noticeable tendency. Anxiousness! Lightening and thunder throw her into a shaking tizzy. Loud noises and beeping, especially from a fire alarm that needs batteries will increase her anxiousness and result in her leaning into whoever is home.

Today was the day that she visited the groomer. Yes, this too creates havoc in our nervous Nelly.  I felt terrible leaving her, standing there, shaking, puppy eyes and all.

Maybe she doesn't remember that I always come back, or that nothing bad will happen to her. Has she forgotten how beautiful she will look after all that old fur has been removed?

I can be so much like Spunky. I often become afraid of the unknown, things can startle me. Unlike her, it isn't the loud sounds that create havoc for me. Instead it is the things that shake me to the core, divorces, sickness, tragedy, suffering.

My anxiousness occurs when I forget that Jesus is coming back. 
  • When I fail to remember His promise to always be with me. Matthew 28:20, Hebrews 13:5
  • When I have taken my eyes off of Him and have focused on the problems. Philippians 3:13

Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Philippians 4:6

Father, Keep me in your peace.  Help me to remember that you will always be with me.  I can trust in you.

Jello fruit slices

What in the world are these colorful oranges? Jello slices!

Our small group gathered together for a fun night of sharing. 
On the table sat these amazing looking jello slices. 
I kept thinking, "how did she do it? How did she get the jello in them?"

Later I found out that she had scooped out half of the orange and then poured in the jello. They are fun and delicious! You can read more about how to make these here.

I had an experience similar to these Jello fruit slices. 
In order for God to change me into what He wanted me to be, He also had to scoop out my old self and then He poured His Spirit into me! 

All I know is that now I have been flavored with his Spirit and that he continually refills me. Who says being a Christian is boring?

Father, thank you for recreating me! Thank you for filling me with your Spirit!

Don't text "Jesus" in Pakistan

Pakistan has declared that 1600 words are forbidden to be text on cell phones! 

The name of Jesus Christ has also been banned. 
His name is offensive to Islam.

Cell phone companies were told to begin blocking any text message containing outlawed words, including “Satan,” “nude” and “athlete’s foot.” Many of the banned words had sexual connotations.

Pakistan blocked Facebook for two weeks in May 2010,  after a competition was held to draw pictures of the Prophet Mohammed — this is forbidden under Islam. In 2008 YouTube was blocked temporarily because of a similar competition that appeared on the site.

Photo taken by Allison Stuby
I am reminded of Jesus riding into Jerusalem. The people and the disciples praised God for all the miracles that they had seen! They even shouted 

"Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord" Luke 19:38

Like in Pakistan, the officials there also tried to silence the peoples praise of Jesus.

Jesus responded, "if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out!" Luke 19:40

As Jesus looked over Jerusalem He wept for them.  I believe that He weeps for Pakistan as well. 

"If you, even you, had only known on this day what would bring you peace—but now it is hidden from your eyes." Luke 19:42

Pray with me for the name of Jesus to be lifted high in Pakistan. 

Feed my Lambs

Last month a group of friends and I visited a trailer park and hosted a Halloween party. We returned yesterday to share a Thanksgiving meal with these special friends. 

The banquet table was set with turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, stuffing, green bean casserole, Sweet potato casserole and pies, pies, pies! We had enough food to feed hundreds.

This affair was spurred on by Jesus’s words to Peter.

When they had finished eating, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon son of John, do you truly love me more than these?" "Yes, Lord," he said, "you know that I love you." Jesus said, "Feed my lambs." John 21:15
 His words reminded us of our mission. “Feed my lambs.”

Feed them by sharing;
 a Meal
in Conversations
 in Laughter
 in reading the Bible
in Prayer
 in Thankfulness

Our longing was to remind our new friends that Jesus has requested that they come to His banquet table. Song of Solomon 2:4

Today as you sit to eat with friends and family remember that you too have been called to His table. His desire is that you would experience feasting with the King, delighting in His presence and being filled with His Spirit.

Father, thank you for inviting us into your banquet. We are honored to be seated at your table.  Remind us to Feed your Lambs. Thank you for calling us into your flock. May the seeds of love that were planted last night take root and grow. 

True or False?

This is a re-post Oldy but a Goody!

At school this week I had a remarkable conversation with a first grade student. "I'm not afraid of that!", John declared proudly as he pointed to a tiger on the worksheet. Then as he continued to color, he quietly confided in me, 

"You know what I am afraid of?  I am afraid of those people, they eat bugs!"  

I could hardly contain my laughter. This First grader was completely serious as he shared his fear with me.  Clearly he had some misconceptions about a certain people group, but nonetheless he was adamant about his beliefs.
How often have you held to a false belief? 
Growing up our parents told us many things, some were true and some mere misconceptions. I remember my mom telling me to NEVER run the hot water when the garbage disposal was on. "It will burn out the motor", she would remind me. For 45 years I never ran hot water when the disposal was on! 

One night, after a meal with friends, during the clean up, my friend ran the hot water, while the garbage disposal was on!!! I became very anxious and ran over to turn the water to cold.  I reiterated what I had been told by my mother.  Everyone began to laugh! Come to find out, I had clung to a false belief for 45 years!!!!!

God's word tell us the things that we can truly put our trust in.

Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. John 14:1 

Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Romans 12:9 

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 

Father reveal to us those things that are not true! Focus us on your truth, your word!

A room with a view

On a weekend away we had a lovely view from our hotel room. We looked down on the river and onto Lake Michigan. Sailboats drifted through the river right in front of us. It was easy to daydream that I was on one of those boats. Aaaawwww! Wouldn't that be relaxing!
Soon my attention drifted towards the tall apartment buildings that flagged the river. "I wonder what view they have in their apartments?" 

It is easy to daydream about what others may have or begin to think about what your life could be if only.......

Paul tells us that he learned to be content in whatever state that he found himself to be in.

I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. Philippians 4:12

He tells us the secret in the very next verse.

I can do everything through him who gives me strength Philippians 4:13

Father, teach me to be content with the life that you have given. Jesus makes this possible, by His strength, His power and His guidance! 

I love talking about life and what I learn along the way. Often I will have my camera out and snap a shot of something that reminds me of God's goodness or my sillyness.  My blog is called Reflect because I believe that everyday we can reflect God's goodness in our laughter and in our pain.  

Life is about finding joy.

 I have a fun loving family.

I have two daughters who live in Southern California. We love going to Angel games and hanging out! My husband and I live in Michigan so we have to travel now to be together with our girls.

I love going to other countries.  I learn so much from the people and cultures that we encounter. In the last 2 years we have had the pleasure of going to Kenya and to Guatemala. 

With each trip I am amazed at everything that God teaches me.  I have been so humbled and received so much from the people that we have met.

Every sunny moment that I get I like to be on my bike! It has become my new addiction! It also provides lots of blog stories!

Everything in my life is possible because of one reason. I am loved by God. My blog always has a moment that takes us back to that very thought. 

I can empathize

Empathy, according to DR'S. Les and Leslie Parrott is the ability to get into your spouses skin, to understand where they are coming from.  The more you can see things from their perspective the better your communication will be. 

My husband and I are leading a discussion session with couples using this material from the Parrott's.  Last week we were instructed to take an assessment that helps you figure out if you use more of your head or your heart in your communication style. Take your own assessment here.

The goal is to become more of a balanced communicator. The Parrott's call it being an empathizer. This means that you will use both your head and your heart when communicating with your spouse.

 I was pretty excited to take the assessment.  I like these type of tests. I started answering the questions and soon discovered that I had to make some tough choices in this assessment.  Was I more like this, or this? When I was finished my results were broadcast on the bottom of the page. The assessment gives you 2 scores.  Your heart score and your head score.

When I looked at my scores I was shocked to discover that according to this test, I have very little heart! I had scored only 4 out of 15, in the heart category but had scored a huge amount in the thinking category. Apparently, I am strongly analytical!
It all began to make sense to me, "Oh that is why I just want the facts and not all of the emotional stuff. That is also why it is difficult for me to empathize with people.  I tend to lean toward fixing things for people then towards crying with them. 
There is so much to learn in this area for me. I will be working hard to become more of an empathizer in my marriage.What a blessing to know that God understands that we are a work in progress.  

I am trusting in this verse.

being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:6

Father thank you that you know my frailties. Thank you that you are the great high priest who understands us. Show me how to make my marriage stronger by becoming a better communicator. 

All Saints Company

All Saints, (believers) are in need of repair. 
This picture reminded me of that simple statement.

Restore us, O God; 
make your face shine on us, 
that we may be saved.
Psalm 80:3

God has began a new work in us, to make us into what he wants us to be. 
This requires a bit of sewing. 

When repairing a garment there are a few things that it may require;

Some fabric may need to be cut off Matthew 5:30 
Seams might be ripped out Colossians 2:11 
A patch may be applied. Psalm 103:12 

I constantly struggle with those things that have attached themselves to me.

Bad attitudes
Sarcastic remarks
Selfish actions and desires

What can save me from myself? 

Only the Master Tailor! 
Only Jesus can restore me, recreate me, refashion me. 

Father, I come before you knowing that I have things that must be remade in order to serve you. Even though I know it is necessary, I confess I am afraid of the pain that it may take to under go this process. Trusting you.

Happy Birthday Jeni Cobb

Happy Birthday!

I am blessed to call you my daughter and my friend.
Thinking through your 27 years, I have memories of some energetic soccer games, eating chicken Mcnuggets with extra sauce, princess stories with princess Jeni and mounds and mounds of pink! 

The first time we drove into Mexico, I was struck by your ability to see past the poverty when you you said, "they don't have chimneys!"  All throughout your life I have been stretched by your desire to help those who are in need. Your compassion is one of your great strengths.

I pray that you would know more deeply and intimately, 
God's great and unending love for you.  

On this day may you know the power of becoming conformed 
into the likeness of Christ!  

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is, his good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:1-2

A Dog's love

Tonight we had a group of people over and at the end of our time together we stood and held hands and prayed.  I was holding my husband's hand and on the other side I was holding the hand of member of the team that was a man.  

As we were praying my dog Spunky sat up and began to put her paw on my hand.  Then she began pawing at the man's hand.  She did not like this man holding my hand.  It was amazing to watch her try and lovingly protect me from what she thought was wrong.

We can learn a lot from Spunky.

1. Don't be afraid to show others how much you care about them.

2. Tell people when you see them going down the wrong path.

3. Keep telling them until they listen.

Dear brothers and sisters, if another believer is overcome by some sin, you who are godly should gently and humbly help that person back onto the right path. And be careful not to fall into the same temptation yourself. Galatians 6:1 NLT

Thank you God for using my dog to remind me that I must show care and concern for others even if it is uncomfortable. 

Elevator or Stairs?

When faced with the stairs or the elevator which one do you take?
I have to admit I usually take the elevator. It just is easier. 

The Geneva stair study in 2008 asked participants to take only the stairs for 12 weeks. The results are what would be expected, increased health and lower waist size. 

This result occurred because people simply said no to the easy way and yes to something that took more effort.
Lately I have had the Stair Effect going on.  Maybe I should call it the elevator effect? I have been saying yes to the easy way and no to the more difficult one. The effects for me have been a quick temper and lack of patience. 
What have I said yes and no to?  Time in the word and prayer.
I have had lots of time studying the word just not much time applying and enjoying it.  My prayer time has also been lacking.  I started making excuses that I was too busy with serving God.  After all I have been preparing a message every week, I tell myself. 

The effects have crept up and today I realized that I had missed what Mary knew to be true.

but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her. Luke 10:42

I am making a commitment today to reignite my prayer and time in God's word.

Father, it seems like we have been down this path so many times.  Thank you for always redirecting me back into your arms. 

Crossing the Bridge

There is a bridge that connects a bike route over a river to another route in the Kent trails.  For obvious reason it is one of my favorite places to bike. 

Every time we get to the bridge I make up some reason to stop. Honestly I just love to look down the path across the bridge to the other side.  It takes my breath away! As if something or someone is standing there beckoning me to get on the bridge, to come across, to pass through, to make it over! 

Jesus used the path as an example of walking with Him. He talked about the narrow Gate and about the way.

In Matthew 7: 13 - 23 We read about the narrow path.

The great thing is that We don't have to know any directions except to get on the road and let Jesus direct us through the curves and roadways.

There is only one perfect bridge that can close the gap between God and man. His name is Jesus! 

Father, thank you for using this bridge to remind me that you call us by name to enter into a relationship with you.  Graciously you have given your son Jesus to be that bridge.  Where once we had no hope, now we have hope because of His merciful gift of reconciliation.  Thank you! 

My vaulted heart

A bank vault stores valuable possessions and protects the contents from robbers.

The Egyptians made the earliest known locks. Later the Romans created a more sophisticated locking system. They made a system that had special notches and grooves that made picking the locks more difficult. 

According to Wikipedia, "Vault technology developed in a type of arms race with bank robbers. As burglars came up with new ways to break into vaults, vault makers found innovative ways to foil them. Modern vaults may be armed with a wide array of alarms and anti-theft devices. Some nineteenth and early twentieth century vaults were built so well that today they are almost impossible to destroy. These older vaults were typically made with steel-reinforced concrete. The walls were usually at least 1 ft (0.31 m) thick, and the door itself was typically 3.5 ft (1.1 m) thick". 

You and I have created our own vaults around our hearts, possessions and lives.  
Sometimes we lock ourselves in to protect us from harm and hurt. Other times we are locked in by our fears and have stayed there for years.
Jesus came to set us free from this life of over protection. He knows that this is not an abundant life!

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10

I came that they may have life, Jesus boldly declared.  I wonder if we are truly living that life or if we have just hidden our fears and pains behind a vaulted door that keeps us ever so protected from venturing out to the places where we might once again experience hurt?

God is the one who can set us permanently free!  He alone has the key not me. If I want to be free i must go to the one who holds the key to freedom.

Father, help me to venture to where you want me to be. Thank you for reminding me that you are the one who is guarding my heart. I trust you to lead and guide me.

Beholding Glory

Storms of life

Taken by Doug Myers

Storms they are a coming!  How will you hold up under them?

We all worry about things.

Sometimes out of Nowhere a storm can erupt!
Jesus and the disciples were on the Sea of Galilee when a storm came out of No where! The disciples were afraid and Jesus, well he was napping.  

He was not worrying!
He was not having a fit!
He didn't get grumpy and ask the disciples why this was happening!
He just sat there.

I think He knew something that we forget.

God has everything under control!
He trusted His father to handle this situation.

Friday I was having a a bit of a storm! 
We were leaving for a marriage retreat 
and let's just say I got my panties in a bunch! 

These things drove me crazy and slightly grumpy!
Our time of departure was delayed! So all the way to this beautiful resort I harbored anger in my heart! Later that evening my expectations of something being done in the way that I wanted had not been met! this storm took me over the edge! 
I began acting just like the disciples! 
 Not trusting, not believing, just looking at the storm! 

I was shouting,  "Lord, save us! We're going to drown!" like the disciples did in Matthew 8

God is faithful! I survived! The storm that seemed to be looming was just a few waves that eventually subsided.

Father, I am sorry for looking at the waves and not at you! You are always faithful, always loving and always provide. Your love overwhelms me! 

A Sunset Can Change Everything!

Guest Blog

In my line of work, I can have some pretty stress-filled days. Residents come in the office upset on a regular basis. They could be bringing in complaints about anything from having a leaky faucet to their noisy neighbors that live above them, and it’s my job to ensure their problems are fixed and that they are happy and feel taken care of when they leave my office. 

One day in particular, I had an inbox full of emails from angry residents; the phones were ringing off the hook and I had a stack of files that never seemed to end. I suddenly felt like I was drowning and had no idea when I was going to come back up for air. I rushed from project to project trying to complete all the work ahead of me as quickly and efficiently as possible, but somehow, it never seemed to be enough. Residents didn’t seem to be any happier and I felt defeated. I clocked out feeling sorry for myself, and couldn’t wait to get home to sulk about my terrible day. I got in the car and began my drive home (which is 30-60 minutes depending on that lovely Southern California traffic), and saw the most beautiful sunset. I tried to ignore it, because I wanted to stay in my sulky state just a bit longer, but I couldn’t.

I pulled off to the side of the road and began to cry. In front of me was this beautiful skyline that only my amazing God could create. I thought about all the cars driving passed me, and wonder how many of them saw the sunset and thought of Him.

How could anyone see such a beautiful thing and not believe in such a big God?

I was reminded of when I was a kid and my dad would lift me up and let me sit on his shoulders. I always felt so special! He let me sit on his shoulders because he knew it would make me happy. I thought my dad was the only man on the planet who had the ability to do this, and I was the coolest, bravest kid for doing it! I looked at the sunset and felt the same way- like my Father painted this picture for me, and no one else on the planet could ever do the same! I was the coolest kid, with a dad who just wanted to make me happy.

On my way home I got a call from a friend who was also having a bad day. She was going through her list of awful things that happened to her and I just kept getting this feeling that I needed to tell her about my sunset. God was pushing me to say something, and like the 10 year old in me always does I would say “but I don’t wanna…” After going back and forth with God, I finally gave in and told her the experience I had just minutes before. Then we had one of those moments, the best moments that God gives, where she saw the same sunset and God showed her the same exact thing as me. I love those moments when God shows me His love and then asks me to show it to someone else.

I have been encouraged more and more to follow God’s nudges to share what God teaches me with others. It always seems so scary at first, but I know that God is not scary! He is a loving Father who just wants to lift me up on His shoulders!  Lissa

Here's your sign!

This sign awaited us in the hotel room.  
Common sense would tell you that you shouldn't hang anything 
from a fire sprinkler, 
but apparently some people must need this reminder.

I found this article regarding this very thing. 

Clothes hanger causes flooding in dorm By CLINTON LUKENS
A clothes hanger inappropriately hanging from a fire sprinkler was part of the reason for the flood on the third floor of College-University late Saturday, fire department officials confirmed.
Katie Bazz, a freshman majoring in public relations, had hung her shirt on the fire sprinkler in her dorm room. Bazz's friend then walked through the door, knocking the clothes hanger off the sprinkler and breaking the sprinkler seal. Immediately, the fire alarm went off and the sprinkler system went on, soaking Bazz's room. The water then flooded the rest of the floor, affecting 10 other students' dorm rooms.
Often we ignore the basic signs of warning that are given to us. "That doesn't apply to me", can be heard echoing through our minds. Or we tell ourselves that, "It is just merely a suggestion". 

In God's word He has some pretty specific things that are more than just suggestions. 

Of course we first think of the 10 commandments, and Jesus's new command to love God and to love others. But what about showing honor to each other, not causing someone to stumble, to seek first His kingdom? Aren't these just as important?

But Samuel replied, "What is more pleasing to the LORD: your burnt offerings and sacrifices or your obedience to his voice? Listen! Obedience is better than sacrifice, and submission is better than offering the fat of rams.                             I Samuel 15:22 NLT

Father may we listen and obey! Show us where we have walked in disobedience and redirect our steps. 
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